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Forest Service Celebration & Work Day

Community members!

This winter, the Forest Service completed logging within the McCloud River Recreation Area. The work consisted of thinning forests to generate ecosystem restoration and fire resilience landscapes. Significant logging slash and winter debris still remain within recreation sites and along trails. There are downed trees and debris that need to be cut and moved off trails and campsites.  We’re planning an Earth Day celebration and work day Thursday, April 28 from 9:00am-2:00pm (this event was moved from actual Earth Day due to inclement weather). The Forest Service will be providing a BBQ lunch. The Mt. Shasta Trail Association will be leading volunteer efforts and providing tools, hardhats and gloves. We will meet at Fowlers Campground at 9:00am. Hope to have you there! 

Work needs:

  • Low stumping with chainsaws.

  • Cut (with chainsaws), drag and pile 4’X4’ slash piles. Piles will be placed outside of campsites.

  • Sweeping/raking off campsite pads and roads.

  • Clearing trails of brush and downed trees

  • Rehabbing skid trails by knocking down berms and naturalizing the area.

  • Bucking logs into rounds to clear sites and provide firewood for campers.

Directions to Fowlers Campground:

From McCloud, California, go east on Highway 89. Drive 5 miles and look for the Fowlers/Lower Falls Sign. Turn right just after the sign and drive approximately 1 mile. Once you cross the River Loop Road take the left fork into the campground. The right fork will take you to the day use/parking area for Lower Falls and the beginning of the River Trail.